Sunday, May 24, 2020

Organizational Behavior Forces Essay examples - 1294 Words

Organizational Behavioral Forces There are many internal and external forces that can affect an organization. Internally an organization sets up its own culture. It creates its own internal structure, mission, and fiscal policies. These internal forces are created to engage the external forces that include, but arent limited to, an organization competition, the economy, and the demands of the customers. The way that these forces are handled speaks to the effectiveness of an organization. Having knowledge of a system and its development will†¦show more content†¦Organizational behavior can be affected by how conservative or aggressive its fiscal policy is and it relates to success in achieving its goals. An example of fiscal policy on a small scale is how a finance department can write off invoices up to a certain amount. Anything exceeding the allowable limit must be taken up to management. Fiscal policy can change the allowable amount, depending on how important the organizations focus on accounts receivable is. Another example is automobile companies putting more emphasis on research and development as well as production for fuel-efficient vehicles, or hybrids and less on conventional vehicles due to high gas prices. This causes unemployment levels to go up and down in certain areas of the car industry. When a company decides to adjust its spending, its policy may affect only a specific group of people. Making changes to maintain characteristics of the company in an internal force impacts its organizational behavior. These changes are made to the tools, resources, and the physical or organizational settings of the company. 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